Think. Think about the current world's situation. The world is embroiled in two great cultural seismic changes. One is the battle between fundamentalists. Hindu's versus Muslims, Jews versus Muslims, Christians versus Muslims, and it extends into the various sects therein. Sunni's versus Shiites, Catholics versus Protestants, orthodox versus non-orthodox.
The second great battle is more subtle but engenders more animus from the aforementioned, seemingly intractable, enemies. Its the battle between progressivism and fundamentalism. This battle is cast in terms of heresy, godlessness, abomination, and apocalypse.
Some would cast the headlines of the day in the context of the battle against progressivism. Certainly, wahabis and jihadis both claim to be saving Islam from the progressivist Americans, Jews, Christians, etc. To their way of thinking democracy, equality, human rights (which extend to atheists, homosexuals, pacifists, anyone undesirable) are an American or Western abomination. They would have us return to the califate wherein the Koran dictated how to govern, a Shariahic state. Many Americans currently choose to see the conflicts in the Middle East in the same fashion, American progressive ideals like democracy being resisted in favor of brutal theocratic or autocratic rule.
I choose to see these conflicts as fundamentalist doctrines with opposing viewpoints. There are those who believe that not only should America 'free' a Muslim society, but we should also help them to choose a proper path, like Christianity, like capitalism, with a Western style culture. Witness the American displeasure and subversion towards freely elected governments like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Hamas in Palestine, or Evo Morales in Bolivia. We like progressive ideals when they suit our needs. When they seem to threaten us, we attempt to controvert them or change them by way of executive order. Look at the current administration's disdain for Congress and the rule of law (due process). We openly disdain stem cell research, alternative lifestyles, genetic modification, and any integration of biology and technology.
Moreover, the conservative (read fundamentalist) cultural zeitgeist is one that looks upon antiquity with a sophmoric nostalgia. "Remember the good old days?...." is their modern mantra. Gone are the days of simplicity and bucolic lifestyles that were inherently 'good'. Everything today is modern, complex, and very soon, to be apocalyptic, in its nature. The future is viewed not with optimism but rather a sense of loathing and foreboding.
If the human race to to evolve into a global culture, one progressing on a path to the cosmos and first contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, we must put aside our small minded beliefs. We must grow past national and cultural boundaries and embrace our humanity and our uniqueness in the universe. Only in accepting ecumenical movements, reconciliation, education, and diplomacy in place of war, will we ever be ready for what is truly wonderful, our future. We owe it to our children!