Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Road map meeting

Ultimus web service step to BPEL doesn't work
consider re-visiting the BPEL WS to see whats different about the SOAP Headers or use .NET FB to call WS

Web and Ultimus layer separation need to wait till Dec/Jan time frame. Even then we should deploy a beta to power users. Implement new CAP by March 1
November time frame, stabilize and analyze code in CAP for Dec Periodic Audit. Limited functionality changes. Steve to spearhead CAP Code Cleanup. Greg to spearhead memory increase on BPM. Mary to spearhead possible staggered audit
3.2.5 is new apps and roles - task and sub task breakouts to be added along with estimates
3.3 is BPEL batch and single Mgr approval, along with new HTML and Usability changes
3.4 is TBD but is targeted for late November.

Steve and Mary to work on budget for development to give to Mark
Greg to work on getting pulse of business requests and re-initiating stalled projects, Contractors and Role Governance

regular release and iteration planning meetings will occur until we stabilize the process